Welcome to AIM!

Hi! And welcome to my first blog post!

That feels incredibly 2008 to say but apparently people still do blogs because it was what squarespace self titled this section of my website. Anyways, I digress. 

If you’ve been perusing this website for a few minutes you probably have a general idea for what we are all about here at AIM. So I’m not going to sit here and re-explain, the twenty minute read of my lengthy letter on the opening page had to have taken up all of your scheduled reading minuters for the day.(I’ve never once claimed in my life to be short winded, what can I say!) Instead, I want to take time to explain how to navigate through the site and what you will find on each page of the website!

When you first launch the website you will be taken to the homepage where amongst the forty page “Dear Reader” letter I penned for you about the site there are some key navigation tools located at the top banner of the page. These banners are available on whatever page you browse to throughout the site so if you ever get lost and scared, use them as your guiding compass. More detail about each of their function in the picture below!

On that same first homepage you will also find a nice lil blurb summary of what my podcast is all about and a link that takes you directly to the Spotify homepage for it. STREEEAAAAMMMM AND LIIIIISSSSTTTTEEENNNNN!!!! (If you wanna, no peer pressure zone)

Now I’ll walk you through the services page, where the goods are at. When you first land on the page you’ll first see the scheduling link (pictured below). This takes you directly to another webpage where you can see and book all the services I have available, more detail on that found in the top picture below. In the bottom picture you see a screenshot of what it looks like when you scroll down past the scheduler to the list of service offered (in extremely cool drop down fashion because #professionalism). On the left labeled in five different categories are the Life Coaching services I offer. They are separated by collegiate student athletes and all other student athletes and then by which method of coaching you prefer. I am offering in person services for my Bay Area residents but do have to slightly increase the price because of the gas to get to you! I swear it’s not a face value increase *pause for audience laughter*

And finally we have the shop, which you can also get to by using the compass at the top of the site. Currently I have four designs up there, but more are going to continue to be added! My goal for the shop is to create good quality products that you want to wear! Positive mental affirmations and reminders will almost always be featured as well as AIM centered gear :) 

Now to finally answer the question I know has been top of mind ever since you came to this site; What’s up with the lil brain??? Meet Bernard. Bernard the Brain, the AIM mascot. Bernard is very proud to be a brain, even though it’s often hard work and people make him feel like he’s not good enough. Sometimes he feels like life is against him, but despite it all he just wants to spread love and positivity to the lives he gets to touch. And that’s what he wants to do for you and why you’ll see his smiling face all over the website and AIM apparel. So get used to seeing him around. Which I’m figuring shouldn’t be a problem because look at how cute this little sucker is!!!!!!!

And that’s the general law of the land for AIM! I’ve tried to make it as simple to navigate as possible. Trying to find help can be such an overwhelming process so I want to make it as simple as I possibly can for you! If it’s ever too complicated or overwhelming please feel free to shoot me an email and I’ll help you out to make the process simpler. That’s a promise:)

Another promise I have for you with AIM and for any content I produce is that it will always be 100% authentic. I have no filter when it comes to authenticity, it’s either the whole truth or nothing but the truth. I have learned there is no virtue in life in putting the panties on the truth of your experience for the sake of saving face or for others peace. Your story is yours to tell, honestly and authentically. Because of that, I will always be 100% myself for you all, because it’s what you deserve. I hope that by being authentic about my experiences in life, it will help you feel a little more educated or a little less alone in your struggle. You know what they say, life’s a beach. Let’s ride the waves together (:

